Healthy Chocolate Mocha Protein Ice Cream
Prep time
Total time
This healthy, easy chocolate mocha protein ice cream has the perfect combination of chocolate and coffee flavor and at only 120 calories per serving, it can't be beat for dessert or a sweet snack anytime!
Serves: 8 servings
  • 2 large ripe bananas, frozen
  • ¾ cup strong brewed coffee, chilled*
  • 2 scoops Ascent chocolate casein protein powder
  • ¼ cup dark chocolate chips, melted (I used 53% cacao)
  • 1 tbsp. coconut oil, melted
  • 3 tbsp. unsweetened cacao powder
  • 1 tbsp. honey (optional, depending how sweet you like it)
  1. Place all ingredients in a powerful blender or food processor. Process until a thick, creamy, smooth consistency forms. It may take a bit with the frozen bananas.
  2. Once blended, you can eat right there for soft serve, or you can freeze and eat later. If you freeze, you may want to set it out to thaw a little bit before eating so it’s not rock solid!
  3. Top with an extra sprinkle of cocoa powder or espresso powder and enjoy!
*If you don't want the coffee flavor, you can just substitute an equal amount of preferred milk (dairy, almond, coconut, etc.) If you just don't want the caffeine, it will still taste great with decaf coffee!
Nutrition Information
Serving size: ⅔ cup Calories: 120 Fat: 7 Carbohydrates: 14 Sugar: 7 Fiber: 2 Protein: 7
Recipe by MacroChef at