2-Ingredient Cappuccino Protein Pudding
Prep time
Total time
Super quick, easy, and healthy 2-ingredient cappuccino protein pudding.
Serves: 2 servings
  1. Add protein powder and 1 cup of milk to a large bowl. Mix well.
  2. Slowly add the rest of the milk as you mix. It will continue to thicken as the casein protein absorbs the liquid.
  3. Divide into two bowls, and enjoy!
*Any milk will work for this recipe. Dairy, almond, cashew, oat, etc. I used unsweetened almond.
Nutrition Information
Serving size: ½ of recipe Calories: 155 Fat: 3 Carbohydrates: 6 Protein: 26
Recipe by MacroChef at https://www.macro-chef.com/casein/2-ingredient-cappuccino-protein-pudding/